PIPELINE is a speculative idea for a participatory project where people interact with a digital repository of collected thoughts, exploring alternative choices beyond limited presented options, such as the dichotomies we face in our everyday lives [yes/no; right/wrong; truth/lie; logical/emotional; work/play; love/hate...]. This project is set to take place over many years. From 2022 until 2035, experiences will be collected through installations in museums and art institutions. From 2035 onwards, the installations will be placed in public spaces such as parks and libraries for people to access. Through engaging with the repository, we hope people will develop awareness and a more considerate outlook on approaching their own agency within choice-making.
The repository is accessible on two levels: one for public observation by the general public via the installation, and the second for direct access to the repository by experts and analysts to evaluate trends and patterns for better public policy and design decision-making. We believe in expanding our agency of choice optimally with individual and collective intelligence. In this case, "optimal" is a contextual range.